Saturday, July 10, 2010
Family Pics
We did family pictures last week - we actually had fun and got some cooperation from the boys! We did them out at Warren and Linda's gorgeous house and little "ranch". We love their place and even got to get a couple of pictures with them. Thanks Amber for taking such great pictures! I was so excited to get the pictures from Amber and she even did this cute video at the end of the picture CD. She is GREAT!
Monday, May 24, 2010
I love this LIST! I found it on one of the running blogs I sometimes read ...
I consider myself a beginner and I love all this advice (except for #11...but those of you that know me know that:)
Friday will be might first race/group run in a very long time - a Midnight 5K - and all I am hoping for is to beat my sisters:)
1. Don’t be a whiner. Nobody likes a whiner, not even other whiners.
2. Walking out the door is often the toughest part of a run.
3. Don’t make running your life. Make it part of your life.
4. During group training runs, don’t let anyone run alone.
5. Keep promises, especially ones made to yourself.
6. When doing group runs, start on time no matter who’s missing.
7. The faster you are the less you should talk about your times.
8. Keep a quarter in your pocket. One day you’ll need to call for a ride.
9. Don’t compare yourself to other runners.
10. All runners are equal, some are just faster than others.
11. Keep in mind that the later in the day it gets, the more likely it is that you won’t run.
12. For a change of pace, get driven out and then run back.
13. If it was easy, everybody would be a runner.
14. When standing in starting lines, remind yourself how fortunate you are to be there.
15. Getting out of shape is much easier than getting into shape.
16. A bad day of running still beats a good day at work.
17. Talk like a runner. “Singlets” are worn on warm days. “Tank tops” are worn to the beach.
18. Don’t talk about your running injuries. People don’t want to hear about your sore knee or black toe.
19. Don’t always run alone.
20. Don’t always run with people.
21. Approach running as if the quality of your life depended on it.
22. No matter how slow you run it is still faster than someone sitting on a couch.
23. Keep in mind that the harder you run during training, the luckier you’ll get during racing.
24. Races aren’t just for those who can run fast.
25. There are no shortcuts to running excellence.
26. The best runs sometimes come on days when you didn’t feel like running.
27. Be modest after a race, especially if you have reason to brag.
28. If you say, “Let’s run this race together,” then you must stay with that person no matter how slow.
29. Think twice before agreeing to run with someone during a race.
30. There is nothing boring about running. There are, however, boring people who run.
31. Look at hills as opportunities to pass people.
32. Distance running is like cod liver oil. At first it makes you feel awful, then it makes you feel better.
33. Never throw away the instructions to your running watch.
34. Don’t try to outrun dogs.
35. Don’t trust runners who show up at races claiming to be tired, out of share, or not feeling well.
36. Don’t wait for perfect weather. If you do, you won’t run very often.
37. When tempted to stop being a runner, make a list of the reasons you started.
38. Never run alongside very old or very young racers. They get all of the applause.
39. Without goals, training has no purpose.
40. During training runs, let the slowest runner in the group set the pace.
41. The first year in a new age group offers the best opportunity for trophies.
42. Go for broke, but be prepared to be broken.
43. Spend more time running on the roads than sitting on the couch.
44. Make progress in your training, but progress at your own rate.
45. “Winning” means different things to different people.
46. Unless you make your living as a runner, don’t take running too seriously.
47. Runners who never fail are runners who never try anything great.
48. Never tell a runner that he or she doesn’t look good in tights.
49. Never confuse the Ben-Gay tube with the toothpaste tube.
50. Never apologize for doing the best you can.
51. Preventing running injuries is easier than curing them.
52. Running is simple. Don’t make it complicated.
53. Running is always enjoyable. Sometimes, though, the joy doesn’t come until the end of the run
I consider myself a beginner and I love all this advice (except for #11...but those of you that know me know that:)
Friday will be might first race/group run in a very long time - a Midnight 5K - and all I am hoping for is to beat my sisters:)
1. Don’t be a whiner. Nobody likes a whiner, not even other whiners.
2. Walking out the door is often the toughest part of a run.
3. Don’t make running your life. Make it part of your life.
4. During group training runs, don’t let anyone run alone.
5. Keep promises, especially ones made to yourself.
6. When doing group runs, start on time no matter who’s missing.
7. The faster you are the less you should talk about your times.
8. Keep a quarter in your pocket. One day you’ll need to call for a ride.
9. Don’t compare yourself to other runners.
10. All runners are equal, some are just faster than others.
11. Keep in mind that the later in the day it gets, the more likely it is that you won’t run.
12. For a change of pace, get driven out and then run back.
13. If it was easy, everybody would be a runner.
14. When standing in starting lines, remind yourself how fortunate you are to be there.
15. Getting out of shape is much easier than getting into shape.
16. A bad day of running still beats a good day at work.
17. Talk like a runner. “Singlets” are worn on warm days. “Tank tops” are worn to the beach.
18. Don’t talk about your running injuries. People don’t want to hear about your sore knee or black toe.
19. Don’t always run alone.
20. Don’t always run with people.
21. Approach running as if the quality of your life depended on it.
22. No matter how slow you run it is still faster than someone sitting on a couch.
23. Keep in mind that the harder you run during training, the luckier you’ll get during racing.
24. Races aren’t just for those who can run fast.
25. There are no shortcuts to running excellence.
26. The best runs sometimes come on days when you didn’t feel like running.
27. Be modest after a race, especially if you have reason to brag.
28. If you say, “Let’s run this race together,” then you must stay with that person no matter how slow.
29. Think twice before agreeing to run with someone during a race.
30. There is nothing boring about running. There are, however, boring people who run.
31. Look at hills as opportunities to pass people.
32. Distance running is like cod liver oil. At first it makes you feel awful, then it makes you feel better.
33. Never throw away the instructions to your running watch.
34. Don’t try to outrun dogs.
35. Don’t trust runners who show up at races claiming to be tired, out of share, or not feeling well.
36. Don’t wait for perfect weather. If you do, you won’t run very often.
37. When tempted to stop being a runner, make a list of the reasons you started.
38. Never run alongside very old or very young racers. They get all of the applause.
39. Without goals, training has no purpose.
40. During training runs, let the slowest runner in the group set the pace.
41. The first year in a new age group offers the best opportunity for trophies.
42. Go for broke, but be prepared to be broken.
43. Spend more time running on the roads than sitting on the couch.
44. Make progress in your training, but progress at your own rate.
45. “Winning” means different things to different people.
46. Unless you make your living as a runner, don’t take running too seriously.
47. Runners who never fail are runners who never try anything great.
48. Never tell a runner that he or she doesn’t look good in tights.
49. Never confuse the Ben-Gay tube with the toothpaste tube.
50. Never apologize for doing the best you can.
51. Preventing running injuries is easier than curing them.
52. Running is simple. Don’t make it complicated.
53. Running is always enjoyable. Sometimes, though, the joy doesn’t come until the end of the run
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
We had SUCH a nice Easter - we got to spend time with family and got to get away for a night to Brianhead. There is still a TON of snow so we got to ski, tube, swim/hot tub and they even had an easter egg hunt on the Bunny slope! We had our annual Easter picnic and the weather was perfect. We also checked out the Art Festival - which we do every year and it was even better than usual (yummmm, Irmitas Molitas are to DIE for, I seriously went back at lunch time just to get one To Go! I know, what a DORK I am!) The boys are just so excited about everything! We are loving holidays right now. The Easter Bunny hid their baskets in the closet at the condo - after mid morning Andrew gets this great idea - He says, "Mom, I am pretty sure that there is an easter bunny up here and at home - because he hides eggs in the backyard EVERY time - you remember that right? I assured him that there definitely is not 2 easter bunnies and that NO eggs or baskets would be waiting for him at home. That kid was trying to score 2 easter bunny visits! Andrew is doing pretty goood on the skis, but he really LOVES the tubing hill! He likes to talk poor Grandma Linda into going with him - over and over - he loves when she goes. After many tubing runs by both Linda and I we told Andrew it was OVER because it was FREEZING and windy! He said I can just go by myself - and sure enough he did go a few more times and was fine (definitely a change from the cautious boy that would NEVER leave my side!) I love his confidence and the way he works things out in his mind to figure out how to get what he wants.
Ty was just happy to have his snow boots and his beanie on - he just had his tractor and bucket marched up a little sand hill and was digging with the tractors. He was great excet
Sean and I actually got to break away for a few runs while Warren and Linda got worked over by the boys:) We did 2 VERY cold runs on our boards and it was great to just be together! Doing something we both like with no extra work to include the kids! I even made Sean sneak in to grab a soda together before we went back! IT was GREAT!
We love these two boys - and am having so much fun right now!
Friday, March 5, 2010
A quick Trip?
My sis has been down in St. George for the past week because her husband is in Hong Kong - this is clearly VERY exciting for me because I LOVE to see Danielle - and we just love to do things together! We decided that we would book a room - somewhere with a heated pool - and head to Vegas for a night! WOOHOO - right? Nope! Andrew was not having it - he had an ice cream party at preschool to celebrate passing off certain skills - OK so I bribe him - and I mean LOTS of bribing - and NOTHING works! So - I cancel the hotel room and we decide we'll just go for the day, play, have dinner, and come home - the car ride home..."Mom, I just have a lot of work I didn't get done at school - I don't think I should skip anymore." "I just think they will need to wait to have the ice cream party - I have got to finish my work." I assure him that I have spoken to his teachers and he will get all the ice cream and toppings he needs..."I just think I should finish my work - I really need to go to my school..." on and on (you get the point) HUH? He is barely 5! Ok, I'm probably not kidding anyone - I am kind of a nerd myself and have always loved school and been very self-motivated in that area - PLEASE let this be a good sign! PLEASE let him continue to have this same LOVE and Passion that I have! So Fun - I love this kid! And then there is Ty...I am pretty sure I am just going to hold my breath that Ty doesn't get himself kicked out of preschool - I can see it now:)
Monday, March 1, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Time flies...When you're havin FUN!

Andrew is Five today - and of course, I CANNOT believe it! I remember finding out that Sean and I were going to be parents, that Sean sneaked a peek on the ultrasound so we found out IT'S A BOY, and then that he was going to arrive a little early, and then that our family was saying hello to a 6 pound 11 ounce HEALTHY boy! We both knew his name was going to be Andrew - we had 3 names written on the board in the delivery room, but our tiny little boy with a thin beautiful layer of dark hair (surprise) looked like and felt like an Andrew. We thought we would call him Drew but it just hasn't ever happened - he is Andrew - and he is so special and amazing! Everything that I see in his clear,bright blue BEAUTIFUL eyes is what he is becoming!
He is loving preschool - I was so nervous at the beginning of the year because he insisted he wanted to go EVERYday - I gave in and signed him up for Monday - Thursday. He is thriving and he LOVES it, and still asks if he can go on Daddy's day (which is Fridays, because Sean stays home with the boys while I work). Andrew is working with the Kindergartners on their work - he thinks it is because he is BIG and sits on the back row - he has some size on most of the other kids- but it is because he is really doing well. He is starting to work on reading boxes - which is sight words and sounding things out! We have really progressed on his writing and fine motor skills - it has been a little slow and alot of work but he is doing well and really working hard to be able to write well. He has turned in to quite the social boy - he knows all his "friends"(classmates) names and it is fun to watch him walking around and talking to all of them. He is kind of a little kidder and loves to tease and joke - he thinks he is quite hilarious. He often asks me, "Are you kidding me OUT!?! Come on Mom you have gotto be trickin me!" As you can tell, I am totally in love with and enamored with this child - I love all that he is becoming!
He loves to give me a kiss when I drop him off for school - and I usually get a quick kiss at pick up too - he is so loving and kind. He is starting to enjoy Tyler ALOT! They are finally reaching the point of being able to have fun playing together - and it is CUTE! My favorite times are watching Andrew help Tyler learn to do something. It goes a little something like this..."Okay TYTY it's not hard. Just watch I'll show you, just a couple simple steps..." and then Andrew gives very detailed instructions on how Ty is to do it! Andrew helped Ty get a bowl of cereal this morning all on his own doing - he set out Ty's blankie on the floor, helped Ty sit down and then brought him a bowl of cereal he had poured- with the spoon in it and everything! They have starting pooling their efforts together to accomplish things and to play - so cute! I have a feeling that this could mean trouble in the very near future! I heard Ty crying the other morning, rushed out and found Andrew sitting on the floor with Ty pulled up onto his lap and he was helping Ty hold his blanket and saying, "It's okay Ty Ty, just sit here, don't be sad I will kiss it better." That is Andrew - he has times where he gets a little aggressive and bossy -but really Andrew is just a sweetheart!
His friends have started to become very important to him - and he is starting to enjoy playing with a lot of different boys in the neighborhood - it has been fun! he misses soccer and is excited to start that again next month and then Tball the next month - He likes the team sports and has been a great little teamplayer! He likes to ride his bike at the park, ride his scooter down the hill at our house, play trains and geotraxs, and paint. He still LOVES to sing all sorts of primary and preschool songs. He sometimes has a few of his own funny wordings in there, but most of the time it works! Row row row your boat gently down a stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life's a SUBMARINE, when I told him that didn't sound right he changed it to Life's a summer dream and insists that my ending of Life is but a dream is wrong and that his is right! And he is determined!
He started skiing this year - loved it - to our surprise- and actually remembers his snow plow and does quite well! He still likes to sag his pants and I'm afraid I might not be saying goodbye to his constant crack image anytime soon! Happy Birthday to MY ANDREW and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the day we got to start living our dreams and became parents! Our kids truly have made us better people and bring us inexplainable happiness and excitement!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Fall came and went...
We have been having so much fun the past few months. Andrew is doing so well in school, gymnastics and soccer. He has been going to preschool 4 days a week (which I was a little leary about) and loves it. He knows all of his letters, is starting to work on some reading and is starting on addition. He is coming along a little slowly on his writing skills and so we are focusing on that for now. He is still determined that he does not want to turn five because he doesn't want to go to Kindergarten, he wants to stay at his school. He gets to sit in the back row with the kindergartners because "I am tall too." He is doing very well with his social and his interactions and is really so fun to watch with his friends. He loves soccer - he just had his last game and is sad that it's over. The start of the season was good but Andrew was not too into the game. At his second or third game right as the 2nd half started he just got this determined look on his face and went for the ball. That was the beginning of a very fun season - with LOTS of goals. He scored 6 goals at one game and never scored less that 2 (yes, he started keeping track). It was fun to watch him get into the game and he always cheered for his teammates and was hi-fiving the other teams when he knew the kids from school. We love watching Andrew develop and cannot believe how much he is growing and developing - he is such a good boy and is just loving life!
Tyler is quite the funny boy these days. His most frequent statement is "Stopit, be nice to me" and always includes a finger point/shake. He is fearless and is difficult for me to keep up with. Injury prevention is my main focus these days! Ty loves to cuddle and be held - it is not very often that he is not on my hip or demanding to be held - the only way I can get him to walk is to "race me Ty-Ty." Ty talks very well, tells everyone "My names Ty-Ty," or "I am Ty-Ty." He loves the park, playing trains and riding his bike. He is still quite the daddy's boy - most days we have to stop in and see Sean just to keep Ty happy! He eats like a champ, can count to 20, say his ABCs and loves stories and music.
In October we spent some time in California going to Disneyland. We spent 2 days in Disneyland and the boys LOVED it. It rained our first day there and it was awesome! we did not have to wait more than 10 minutes in a line all day, which was great for the boys! We loved the Buzz Lightyear ride, Small World, Playhouse Disney Show and the Parade. We went for one day to Magic Mountain to see Thomas Town, it was a little dissappointing but the kids loved it. We also spent a day at the beach - we rode the ferry over to Balboa Park, built sandcastles, watched a skimboarding contest, ate on the pier, gathered sea shells and played in the surf. We had so much fun and the boys were absolutely perfect! They played so well, slept great at the hotel and were all around agreeable! We couldn't have had more fun!
We spent Thanksgiving at Ellen's house with some of her family and had fun. We headed up to Salt Lake and spent some time with Rick, Kelly and Bella and rode the Polar Express in Heber. Andrew was quite excited about it - was ecstatic to sing Christmas Carols in the microphone on the train - not shy at all! Tyler didn't love Santa Claus but also didn't scream hysterically either (which is a major improvement for him)! We of course went to the Discovery Museum which the kids love, did a little shopping and stayed at Kelly and Rick's house - which the boys also LOVE!
We are so excited for Christmas - I really do love this time of year. I love shopping for and getting to do things for other people. We have most of the decorating done, which is also a lot of fun for us.
We are just enjoying the boys right now! They are at such fun stages. We love watching them grow and learn so much everyday!
Merry Christmas...
Tyler is quite the funny boy these days. His most frequent statement is "Stopit, be nice to me" and always includes a finger point/shake. He is fearless and is difficult for me to keep up with. Injury prevention is my main focus these days! Ty loves to cuddle and be held - it is not very often that he is not on my hip or demanding to be held - the only way I can get him to walk is to "race me Ty-Ty." Ty talks very well, tells everyone "My names Ty-Ty," or "I am Ty-Ty." He loves the park, playing trains and riding his bike. He is still quite the daddy's boy - most days we have to stop in and see Sean just to keep Ty happy! He eats like a champ, can count to 20, say his ABCs and loves stories and music.
In October we spent some time in California going to Disneyland. We spent 2 days in Disneyland and the boys LOVED it. It rained our first day there and it was awesome! we did not have to wait more than 10 minutes in a line all day, which was great for the boys! We loved the Buzz Lightyear ride, Small World, Playhouse Disney Show and the Parade. We went for one day to Magic Mountain to see Thomas Town, it was a little dissappointing but the kids loved it. We also spent a day at the beach - we rode the ferry over to Balboa Park, built sandcastles, watched a skimboarding contest, ate on the pier, gathered sea shells and played in the surf. We had so much fun and the boys were absolutely perfect! They played so well, slept great at the hotel and were all around agreeable! We couldn't have had more fun!
We spent Thanksgiving at Ellen's house with some of her family and had fun. We headed up to Salt Lake and spent some time with Rick, Kelly and Bella and rode the Polar Express in Heber. Andrew was quite excited about it - was ecstatic to sing Christmas Carols in the microphone on the train - not shy at all! Tyler didn't love Santa Claus but also didn't scream hysterically either (which is a major improvement for him)! We of course went to the Discovery Museum which the kids love, did a little shopping and stayed at Kelly and Rick's house - which the boys also LOVE!
We are so excited for Christmas - I really do love this time of year. I love shopping for and getting to do things for other people. We have most of the decorating done, which is also a lot of fun for us.
We are just enjoying the boys right now! They are at such fun stages. We love watching them grow and learn so much everyday!
Merry Christmas...
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